Alpaca Lunch

Robots are incapable of consent. Plus there is really icky power dynamic (creator vs. robot).

It’s Arby’s, so your assessment is not far off...

Robin’s Ranked

Damien Wayne is a breath of fresh air compared to stale rehash Tim Drake. :)

Oh, let’s not pretend that burglary is not a violation. It ALWAYS is. But should we really respond to it with lethality? The response seems disproportionate.

You would kill someone over stuff. Why? My neighborhood has had a spike in burglaries in the past couple weeks (the house next to mine also being robbed), and the most I did was install extra security on my back door. TVs and computers really aren’t worth killing someone over. You can always get more of it.

What kind of budget do you live on? I provide for three people on less than 50k a year, so unless you live on the coast, 75k per year is a pretty decent wage. :)

Leave us alone! We’re totally awesome, brah!

I feel bad starring jokes on this article, but this made me laugh more than it should have.

You’re like the Hulk, just...snackier.

As a Royals fan, I really missed Zobrist this past year. I was fine with Cueto leaving, but I wanted management to resign Zobrist.

Nerd Rage was pretty funny. Rick and Morty need to have more hijinks in the Walking Dead universe.

Actually, she was just a grandchild in this story. :p

So I still have my explodey Note 7 because I don’t know what to replace it wi*explodes*

I grew up a Cardinals fan (I started rooting for the Royals when I moved to KC in 2010). That pitch from Wainwright was filthy, basically unhittable. Thanks for the memories Barry.

McCain looks like a Milford Man in that picture.

Les Cousins Dangereux

As a Royals fan, I look at 2014 and empathize.

How long before Buck starts suffering from Graft vs. Host?

Are you talking about PSVR or the Wii U? ;)