Alpaca Lunch

Just make a new Commander Keen already!

When my girlfriend and I first got a cat, we didn’t understand the procedure because vets generally agree to it without explaining it. Years later, I understand what I did with that decision, and it’s the shittiest thing I’ve done as a pet owner. I regret it. Thankfully my indoor kitty doesn’t hate me anymore than the

What are they gonna do when Biggus Dickus gets drafted?

No props for All-Star Superman? Regardless, I need to pick this up.

I have never been stoned b/c I would not know where to find weed.

I’m so glad that you get your jollies by harassing women. You’re a miserable and sad human.

Sorry FO4. I’ve gone back to Mario Maker, and your season pass is friggin expensive. No regrets, right?

I actually played this on PC back in the day. I'll just be missing my flight stick. :(

BvS Verdicts
+ I enjoyed most of the actors’ performances (Cavill was the most wooden)
- Batman’s characterization was borderline psychopathic
+ Act One of the film was fantastic. It setup some intriguing plot points
- Acts Two and [especially] Three are stuffed with so much bloat and convoluted complexity that it

I’m seeing this tonight, so thanks for the reassurance.

I love Mario Maker despite its flaws, but Nintendo needs to implement a better rating system for levels, because giving levels stars is overly simplified. Allowing a few adjectives to be checked (I.e. tricky, fun, hard, etc.) after playing a level would make searching out levels much easier.

If your course is taken down, the most annoying aspect is that you cannot edit then reupload. Once removed, it’s permanently banned from being uploaded again.

Your levels are stored locally. You then upload your level to Course World. Levels are only deleted from Course World.

Let me know when I can corral the 151 OG. Then I am onboard.

I know, right?!? How the hell can I enjoy HoC now? HOOOOOW?!?

I too was confused. Then, I just accepted that Louis Armstrong ripping off his Bat paraphernalia would be something worth seeing.

I’m 29 and hadn’t heard about this meme until just now. Yes, I feel old.

If Deadcast just became Funbag, I’d actually subscribe to it.


Wait, I thought Pokemon science was just called 'science'.