Sometimes when precious little johnny is being a disruptive asshole, you call his ass out in front of the entire class.
Sometimes when precious little johnny is being a disruptive asshole, you call his ass out in front of the entire class.
And she never messed around with her sandals again...
I also get annoyed with people who don’t shower and smell like garbage soaked in BO.
Any garage where I need to use a coaster is not a garage I’d like to be in.
The amount of cash that urbanites are willing to spend on shit wood is amazing. You do realize you can go almost anywhere out in the country and get this shit for free - or next to free.
There should be some serious reform as to how and when bail is denied.
People should not be jumping to conclusions until the facts are heard. In most circumstances, these facts are only made available during a trial.
I’ve found that South Main Auto is fantastic for an in depth diagnosis. Although Eric does use some quite expensive equipment such as the Autel and Snap-on Scan/Scope, he does a lot with just a simple test light.
It was a tough loss okay?!
Yup. I was watching with my wife, and she’s all “we win we win”, and I sat there without emotion and said “Just fucking watch him blow this wide left”.
This is some cringeworthy shit right here.
Counterpoint: Makeup is stupid and companies pray on insecurities
Thanks for the laugh dude.
The more you scream about your perceived victimization, the less people will listen to your actual victimization.
Want to go around wearing a black garbage bag in public or at home? Go for it.
not to mention shred your brake lines.
It doesn’t take much grip to hold that large Starbucks while you ride your longboard to your book club.
Can’t you just be happy for her?
If anything, what your doing HELPS zipper merging by equalizing the speed and traffic volume between the two lanes.