Yep, in high school it was very common going to a party and having one or two guys ride in the trunk.
Yep, in high school it was very common going to a party and having one or two guys ride in the trunk.
What I’m saying is that making people pay more for their transportation doesn’t make them choose alternate forms, it makes them spend less on other so-called ‘luxuries’, like restaurants, movies, electronics, vacataions, etc.
my thoughts exactly.
Just realize that other parts of the economy will suffer because of those fines.
This argument is just bad. If we all bought what we NEED we’d be in little beige 90's civics.
What I’m saying is that those families are NOT going to buy smaller vehicles and instead of solving the perceived problem, you will end up hurting the economy in other ways. People will spend more on gas and less on other ‘luxuries’.
I live in rural Canada. I dd a pickup because outside of work, my wife and I do a ton of shit. I’m hearing a lot of people say tax the gas. Gas going up 10%, or even 20% isn’t going to make me sell the truck. It means I’m going to have less cash to spend in other places.
I bet you live in an urban center.
I’ll take two of those, and a few Chevy 350 small blocks.
What? Why?
ZenBard uses Rational Thought.
I’d say the pot and kettle thing but that’s probably labeled racist these days.
There are so many amazing people who want nothing more than to be parents. It’s a shame so many have such a difficult time.
My god. I was adopted at birth...I hope all worked out for you two.
Old story is old.. but good.
I’m a McDonalds coffee guy myself. Hortons is just burnt shit.
Yes, Cuba was so pleasant. My wife and I were having such a nice time, and remarking about how all the other tourists were so polite. Then we realized “Oh yeah, there aren’t any Americans here...” It was a strange realization because where we vacation the most, Americans are everywhere.
Every time I would walk through the OLD folks home to visit my grandmother, it became more and more clear - I don’t want to end up here.
As someone in the older end of the millennial age range, the city can go fuck itself.
Thanks, I apologize for my choice in phrasing. I do however, think my intentions were clear in my original argument. If not, then from my reply.