I can see the merits in your views. I hope you can see some of the merits in mine. At the end of the day we really do want the same thing.
I can see the merits in your views. I hope you can see some of the merits in mine. At the end of the day we really do want the same thing.
No one is saying white men are less capable, we’re saying everyone else is NOT less capable. - We’re on the same page.
ha. Okay it’s clear we’ll never get to a reasonable debate. I guess I’ll just go back to my Reddit or whatever then.
blind application process
What’s childish is your utterly dismissive original comment. Next time maybe explain your position like an adult instead of being a passive aggressive nuisance.
So you’re saying that systematic discrimination is okay, as long as it is against groups whose previous generations have been on the other end of the same discrimination?
The braking system in your car is pretty vital. If you need to use this step-by-step, don’t you even touch your damn brakes.
Can I hose people who let their dog piss and shit on my property too?
I think this is where it starts to become very tricky. I agree with you that it does not remove the effects of the earlier bias. However, determining someone has had a ‘head start’ based on their gender, race, or ethnicity groups wide demographics under a single umbrella.
In my opinion, any bias leads to discrimination. In many cases it leads to discrimination against innocent people, not those who are (were) the ‘offenders’.
I have zero problem with that, in fact, I think that is fantastic. It sounds as if they successfully eliminated bias from their process.
So because 43/44 presidents were white, we should only have women candidates for the next 30 elections?
Many commenters are assuming I support the current system. I do not. If you disagree that any discrimination based on race/gender/ethnicity/etc is a good thing, please tell.
LOL because my alpaca is white you assume I am also white?
I do. Current practices are dispicable, but ANY bias drawn from race/ethnicity/gender/etc is fundamentally wrong.
Fantastic retort. You’ve certainly explained your position.
Things hiring process should absoluetly not consider:
Is there enough evidence yet that Islam is not a religion of peace?
Out with the wife in my truck.... by the end of the day I had - and I shit you not - 10 McD’s straws, 7 pepper packets, and 12 salt packets.