1. Buy litre bike
2. Put on a t-shirt and flip flops
3. Ride that bitch
4. Die in a fiery wreck
1. Buy litre bike
2. Put on a t-shirt and flip flops
3. Ride that bitch
4. Die in a fiery wreck
Hopefully another network picks it up....it could be a great CMT show.
you’d still have to prove that a crime occured.
It’s a he said/she said so she automatically wins? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Oh, wait, you’re a girl, right? Never mind.
Seems like he wants her to prove damages, a pretty crucial part of the justice system.
From Louis C.K -
“Max towing is a respectable 5,000 pounds, and the payload capacity is a downright impressive 1,584 pounds. That’s on par with the mid-sized segment, and even some trims of half-ton trucks.”
Repel Sportsmen Max
Repel Sportsmen Max
In a related topic, how do you get a chronically late person to start being on time? I’m early for everything. eg. if I have to be somewhere at noon, I make sure to arrive there by 11:50. My wife constantly makes us late for things, even when I’m like hey, we need to leave in an hour, then 30 mins, then we need to…
Coal miners feed, clothe, and shelter their families through a job which is quickly fading away, and it scares the absolute shit out of them. These boys know how to mine - that’s it. It’s easy to see how and why they would cling to a candidate that promises to get them back to work, so they can keep providing for…
It’s extremely dry and unseasonably hot up there. An ATV’s exhuast can start them, or a cig butt out of a car window. Campers not properly extinguishing a fire. People who think it’s fun to shoot fireworks into the bush. One was caused by an RC plane crashing in the bush.
At least Canadian oil doesn’t end up funding the Saudis...
There’s crying because your mother/father died, then there’s crying because your sports team lost, or you just stubbed your toe.
I absolutley adore Judge Judy. Maybe it’s the inner 75 year old me, but I watch her almost every day and I used to watch her with my grandma when I was about 6 or 7. She’s no BS calls it as she sees it.
The best part of wristbands is taking that POS off. It’s like taking off skates, or going outside without a jacket in spring. It’s like arriving to the Caribbean and putting on flip flops. mmmmmmmmm
My sister/brother-in-law have two kids (6 and 3). If they were my only reference point for what having kids is like I would cut my balls off.
Here’s my idea. Maybe this already exists where you guys are.
Forget Clinton being a woman, the Dems need to start winning over demographics other than the urban elites. You’ve seen how powerful the black vote can be. Win the working class as well and you can run a yellow dog and still win.
Superbad was great because that is how we were...