
If they bought the company then they also bought the innovation so not sure what your point is. I'm sure the inventor got a nice pay rise and now has a business card that says 'Apple' on it.


but wait. The xbox 360 and PS3 'only' have 512mb of RAM and they do pretty well out of it. Is RAM important? yes. Is it the be-all and end-all concerning performance? no.

$2 month AND $60 a year - is the maths bad and should say $24 a year or is there a $60 fee as well? #corrections maybe?

sounds EXACTLY like Event Horizon...

Still throwing garbage into the ocean though, regardless of the fluffiness of it all *cranky*

it should say 'command' and they ditched the apple from that key years ago and replaced it with Jobs' little whirlygig

As a music festival producer and promoter I'm looking at the stage design and there are several problems straight off the bat:

its a reservation in WA state with a casino and outlet mall, fun times

Tulalip is a reservation in Washington - awesome outlet mall and casino

10-15 per store seems to have been the average looking online

umm, I walked into an Apple store in NYC and bought one in April. Then when it was released in Sydney I walked into the Apple store on George St and the shelves were full of them - they were much easier to get hold of than the iPhone 4 still is. Hard to sell 3 million in 80 days if it's permanently sold out right?

yeah, or simply showing that Apple's idea of a volume release differs to it's competitors - they sold 3 million ipads in 80 days at the last launch, something I think most tablet manufacturers will struggle to match. I also heard most Best Buys only received 5 Xooms each but who knows if thats Apple fanboy propaganda

yeah I think it was Jobs having a dig at Android tablets - sneaky CEO that one...

he said volume. chances are this thing will ship in the tens of millions, unlike any of the current dual core competitors

@phlavor: maybe it's the end of scroll bars and we get the little grey bar that only acts to show us where we are on the page...

5 points, well done

Borat quote spot fail

I always used to 'meh' at the show when I saw it was on and then go on a channel surf. Watched this one all the way through and now consider myself a convert - awesome TV

@supergeek1694: Potentially a lot of the cool designs could only be made out of concrete. We (in the UK at least) ripped down a lot of wooden buildings in the past and replaced them with stone, tore them down and replaced them with brick, tore them down and replaced them with concrete and tore them down and replaced