The proceeding paragraphs are a good primer, but here are some more sources that go into the unfortunate details:
The proceeding paragraphs are a good primer, but here are some more sources that go into the unfortunate details:
Never doubt the truth of John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad theory—or its companion, the “Even Relatively Innocuous Shit Will Be Turned Into Racist Fuckery By Opportunistic Shitweasels” posit.
Maybe nobody is bashing Penny Arcade because it was actually funny this time? I’m just guessing here. I usually don’t enjoy PA, but just now I did.
Shhh don’t use logic, people hate that.
SFV isn’t set in 2017 though. It’s between 4 and 3, taking place in the mid-late 90s. Sakura’s around 20 and Ryu is early 30s.
Like just about everything, it was probably produced in-house.
Which really begs the question why Blizzard just makes games, and isn’t the multimedia powerhouse they could be because this this is the kind of thing they do for a dlc skin pack.
So she admits she’s maybe just an above-average player and is just doing her thing the way she wants to do it. Sounds like the outraged anti-feminists contributed greatly to her fame with the Streisand effect.
I’ve written about:
Okay, before anyone gets any bright ideas there are some things to understand about “investing” in Magic cards.
Suggestion from an Old: Look up their PR reps online, and write directly to them.
Better yet, start with the PR reps, then go from there to finding any listed management or executive employees you can find, and get in their ear (or on their e-mail) as well.
There’s an old metric in marketing: Silence in the face of…
It most definitely existed before that, and is why we all flutter our hands over our mouths when a politician is caught having an extramarital affair, a teacher finally tells a persistently disruptive student to STFU, a professional (physical) athlete is caught doing drugs, or something similar.
Persons in positions of…
My only regret is that I can’t star this more than once. Its what it all boils down to, people acting immaturely, and back pedaling when they get caught. They almost always wouldn’t otherwise, which is sad really but what can you do?
Something important to note in all of this:
The, “I never asked to be a role model/hero/what have you” argument certainly feels like it should be salient, and it’s true, up to a point—sports figures of all stripes, traditional, e-sport, or otherwise, only ever asked for an opportunity to do what they do at a very high…
“Inappropriate action” is stretching it a bit when this guy is stumbling around directly after being disemboweled. It’s a goofy bit of animation, nothing more. I can see why UbiSoft would want to remove it - it’s in pretty poor taste and kind of weird in the context of a medieval battle - but I don’t think it was ever…
“There’s literally no reason to spend 7k steel on this crap anymore,”
I think the 2ch person, hits the nail on the head. I’d love to think it was some kind of positive shift in the culture in creating likable but also 3-dimensional women who are just as integral to the main characters growth as the villain.
But the constantly disappointed anime fan within me just thinks the fetish…
The “get over it” doesn’t bother me. At all. It’s the suddenness and unnecessariness of the “fanservice” that triggers the “get over it” that “gets” me. There are plenty of anime that get by just fine without a random near-panty shot. I simply don’t watch (or promote/support/recommend) the anime that I feel have too…
Can’t disagree
Unfortunately, to me, this sounds like a case of replacing one addiction with another. Though, I know that some of my Brothers would benefit from that VR therapy.