Gold Lion

I always find it amusing that right wingers like you berate democrats for “telling people what’s best for them” why pathologically controlling the most intimate and personal aspect of women’s lives (their reproductive choices) and vigorously advocating for long prison sentences for people for smoking pot, or bringing

Yup. What I was gonna post immediately upon reading the title

Yes, I wish the left would fight just a little bit dirty.

Actually, let me explain this without reading the article.

This movie is stupid. They’re only taking out one at a time. It’s gonna take them hundreds of years this way.

Now playing

This reminds me of the old Cameron Diaz film called “The Last Supper” wherein a group of idealistic, very frustrated, liberals murder rightwing people.

Like Bill Clinton in his prime, lol (but way more liberal.) I’m not mad at Clinton’s dead bodies. In politics, you gotta do what you gotta do.

The left wants to elect pure innocent lambs when what we need are a few more immoral assholes ready to murder people and hide the bodies.

Maybe it’s time for another rebound at the old school there, reboundstudent.

Once again, the left is expecting logical consistency and fairness from the right because we have no idea what we’re dealing with, we haven’t in decades. We’re operating on different levels of morality. We expect fairness in all things, including scandals like this, expecting them to admit to their sides failings on

Harvey Weinstein has been a known scumbag for a good long while. I find it ridiculous to think that prominent Democrats — especially the ones he’s been close personal friends with — were somehow unaware of that fact.

Every single time I see a tweet or post about this from a MAGA type I keep thinking “oh good so we finally agree sexual assault and harassment is bad! Awesome let’s work together to make sure oh no you just meant its bad when a Democrat does it great”

I see what you did there. Have a star.

Guys, he’s not saying it’s like 100% their fault just like 49% their fault so the district should only have to pay 51% of damages!

Well thanks for the rage stroke... now I’m dead and I’m supposed to leave for work soon.

Some attorneys will throw ethics and their own dignity out the window in order to “win.” We had a local story of children being severely abused by the adults in the home, and one of the adult’s attorney said something to the effect that for people living in rural areas, the discipline was normal (it was not normal),

In Oakland, a 16 year old sex-trafficked girl went to the cops for help. They sexually abused her. Something like 11 different cops. A lot of people started talking about how she was raised and how unethical she was. But not a word about how the cops were raised, how unethical they were, or how it’s them who should

Just to think, 12 years have past since the lawsuits defense was that these 9 years olds were slutty sluts who conducted themselves in a slutty manner and that way of thinking has yet to change.

You are a little bit confused here. First, in the US - you provide your client the best defense your abilities allow. Second, in this particular case, it was a civil suit and the attorney was representing the school - not the pervert. School was trying to lower the amount these children would be awarded by shifting