Gold Lion

The “homophobic” cop was a gay woman that spoke up saying there was no homophobia involved in Amber’s arrest. The cop was also a contributor to local Seattle DV shelters. She got involved because she witnessed a case of DV, and spoke out about this on her facebook.

sounds like trolling to me.

Did you all conveniently not read the part where it said that Amber was arrested for domestic violence against her former girlfriend?

Perhaps she did batter him? Perhaps you can try to comprehend that could have been involved?

He’s not proven guilty yet. You can wait a little longer to crucify, I know you’re salivating.

Because she is a gold digger. She asked for $50,000 a month claiming she spends $47,000 a month. She stands to gain $20 million in additional assets from the divorce.

They are on Depp and Heard’s payroll. They are married. They share assets.

That confirms that her account of events that she released to the media and in her legal documentation was made up.

1) There was no police report.

We don’t actually know if she is telling the truth yet. There is a lot of money and reputation on the line. Wait a bit before crucifying anyone.

Thank you for doing the math and then typing it out. I appreciate it.

My god, you are delusional.

Apple fanboy alert. I’ve seen all of your other comments on this article. You just can’t fathom that an apple product is bad. Apple made it, so it must be amazing!!! Let’s justify why they completely ignored the watch at the last three keynotes, it must not be because the watch was a flop but because Apple has BIG

Is that why you are paranoid today?

It should have been more than 2 years for a life.

None of the phones in that picture are iPhones. Jezebel is shilling.

Replace Android with Apple and you would have the exact same sentence. Everyone is nasty when it comes to brand loyalty.

And you are an idiot.

Do you mean the “apparently” kid?

You are a nasty, nasty piece of work.