Twitter and Captcha.
Twitter and Captcha.
Please tell me I can shout “fuck you, plant murderers!” to vegans now? Please?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I prefer to take my chances with staying low profile and avoiding the law before I’d take my chances with Chinese chemicals.
I’d say I really don’t care unless it’s relevant to the story.
....but, muh representation!
Still not as bad as that one person that insists on cooking fish in the office microwave.
Will it make all my games unplayable like the the last Creators Update?
To be fair, for the more serious photographer SmugMug was always a lot better than Flickr. Hopefully they can breathe some new life into it.
Assuming weed, Cheetos and some kind of energy drinks are included in the price?
Isn’t this what Apple always do though? Take existing/old tech and rebrand it as iSomething, then make out like they were the first company to ever think of it?
Legit thought it was going to be Logan Paul when I first heard there’d be a shooting incident at YouTube HQ.
Why not just smoke normal weed?
They terk er gerrrrns!
Why does everyone pander to these fucks?
I imagine that in the future dystopia we’re all heading towards, this is the type of thing that will be used to incriminate people for crimes they didn’t commit, or deny people health care/insurance etc because of flaws in their DNA.
Anyone else hate how American’s pronounce it as “twot” or “twaht”? Or is it just me?
I love how the discussion here is about the wifi, rather than how morbidly terrible ICP are.
-Wow, people like you really like to type lengthy answers. :)
Again with the “people like you”, twice in one reply no less. I’m almost in danger of being mildly offended :D
Did you actually read anything I wrote or are you so blinkered by your own opinion that you just need to vehemently spout the same drivel? If you did read it then surely you’d be able to figure out that I…
“People like you”... nice.
Plot twist: I don’t think he’s a great guy, nor have I ever... and I’ve known about him since he first started appearing in snowboard videos in the late 90s. In fact most snowboarders will agree he’s a bit of a dick... but he’s not at the Olympics to be judged for his personality or his…