

As an occassional vaper I was going to get all defensive here, but you know what... you’re right, a lot of vapers are inconsiderate jerks that give the rest of us a bad name. Still seems odd you came here to comment though.

My mind is far from blown, Buzzmodo.

Easy now Judgy McJudgeface! Drug addict? Based on what evidence? I didn't even say I smoke. Anyway, I'll let you get back to being perfect.

I'm surprised you can smell anything all the way up there on your high horse.

Every 2-3 years. If you buy top tier then the old adage of needing to update every 6 months is simply not true... if that’s the angle you were going for.

How would you be able to charge and listen to music at the same time?

Whoa, easy on the assumptions there BuzzModo!

Needs more "...what happens next will blow your mind!".

I really want to launch into a schpiel about the rise narcissism and death of humility, but I’ll just expose myself as the cynical old fart that I really am. Oh, wait...

Sorry Buzzmodo, but this is FAR from my worst nightmare.