
For some reason that google translate pic makes me profoundly happy.

Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.

I am a white male and a Marine Corps combat veteran. I have been a Browns fan all my life.

To keep you talking about it and eventually, you will hear something or see something that finally strikes a chord and changes how you personally approach these issues. It took the loss of Heather Heyer’s life to do it for her mother. It took listening to their teammates and trying to understand for these white

Oh, and double-fuck Ben McAdoo for having OBJ out there in the second quarter of a goddamn preseason game against what is, essentially, a field full of Madden generic created players.

Being 71, I’m wondering if he heard the starting gun.

probably that he already has a sentient ai and its pissed off at him

Any reason is a good reason to post Sam Waterston’s career peak.

Well, it’s been a while since I did a manip, but after seeing G-Dude’s mug I couldn’t help it.

Now playing

Clearly just had the car serviced at Midas.

This comment is the most boring comment.

Saying they were all gonna show up and then just sending like an equipment manager would have been the greatest. Or Zaza to have him break Trumps ankle.

That’s good news for Kevon Looney. Only Kerr and Klay and another K were going to be invited anyway.

Millions of soldiers died at Shiloh. Many more at Gettysburg. A dozen southern rednecks sank a row boat in Tampa and they call that a battle? It’s kind of embarrassing when you think of it.

Just as a reminder… These are not monuments honoring the dead. They are monuments erected after Plessy v Ferguson as a reminder to black people to stay in their lane.

Are their any societies in history that have erected monuments to honor traitors/loser of a civil war? I can’t imagine the Romans erecting statutes of conquered civilizations in Rome. 

Be nice if we could go a week without some limp-dicked shithead who never got enough hugs trying to ruin - or end - the lives of others.

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

Isn’t at-will employment great, alt-right guys?