He's the fucking strong.
He's the fucking strong.
Man, don't let these sick fucks get to you. They want you to lose faith in humanity.
Remember that violent crime has been going down at a good pace for the last decade or two.
But it is from a comic book.
Pacific Rim and Evangelion don't have that much in common other than they both involve mecha's beating up alien like creatures.
Personally, all the Toy Story's are pretty spaced out on my top Pixar list. But that speaks more to how good Pixar is than anything.
Pretty much my response.
What's the consensus on what's the best of 3 on here?
My favorite is Toy Story 2, but everyone I know seems to agree that 2 is the worst.
My big worry about GITS is that they'll take everything unique about it out, and turn it into just another Sci-Fi movie.
Asspulls can be done well, but Death Note did not use them as effectively as they could have. But the emotional climax was still pretty great.
Don't shit talk anime bro.
Say what you will about Hollywood, but they wouldn't have some random village in the middle of Egypt speak perfect English.
Also, I'd appreciate if you didn't treat me like an idiot about fucking anime just cause I'm 16.
I agree.
Seriously though, I don't think this movies gonna be any good, but it has a much better chance than something like Akira or Evangelion.
It could. Other than the Japanese lore, it's pretty much just a fantasy thriller.
In JoJo, I guess that would sorta make sense.
As long as they go after things that translate to Hollywood well, like Death Note, it might be ok.
But of course they're already going after Ghost in the Shell and Akira, so I'm not hopeful.
It would sorta be weird for her to be obsessed with Nat Wolf. Weirder than it already is, of course.