@voteforme: Sounds lonely to me
@voteforme: Sounds lonely to me
@pyrrhic: I see where you're coming from. It will be a grand day when we don't see each other as a gender or a gender role but as individuals. Maybe a few more generations?
@RiverTam: Okay i get that and I agree.
@Nodiva: Isn't feminism really just a rebound? I think of it as more of a transitional movement. Kind of like Gay Rights. That movement will end when gays are threaded seamlessly into society.
See, this is the very definition of Feminism and equality that I can't stand. If equality is taken literally it seems to mean to Americans that we should pay only our own way through life. It means splitting checks, costs, expenses, dating mates who make an equal amount, etc.
Oh what an Afrocentric stereotype of a name!
I don't care he can make homo jokes all he wants. The more you taboo the subject the higher the chance these types of jokes will continue on and increase.
@geekymitch: It's really not that black and white. In fact it's pretty dispicable callous that they wouldn't step in anyway. This is not the garbage, your home becomes you. This was these citizens entire lives up in smoke.
It's can't eat while taking a test in class loud, can't sneak into the movie theater loud, and can't snack in the doctor's office waiting room loud.
To answer your first sentences: It is not okay. You have to be a man.
@mimi_murlough: Okay, totally see where your coming from and it must suck when you begin to notice the inequalities.
@Deeba: Okay, I would rather have a hole in my foot than a hole in my head too!
I think America is so obsessed with "the sexes" and "being equal" that we've forgot marriage is a fundamental give and take, submission and assertion. It's not about two opinionated assholes moving in together, it's about shoving aside those opinions and judgements and really focusing on those things you enjoy about…
PAH-LEASE man what jack-hole priced those bags.
What's whit all these blue transvestites in this issue of Hustler?
Are you sure it wasn't for eating after midnight and becoming the demon spawn of New Jersey?
He That Createth the hype caneth taketh away.
@lodown: I would imagine what the porn industry does is, like most things trendy, not based much around actual scientifically derived desires of the male population but a combination of their own self-promotional desire to stand out (for the early adopters) and to conform (for the late adopters).
I love this article. It's like "hey, here's everything you need to stay geeky on your trip."
Stupid apple, tricks are for kids.