
The news is out that Gawker Media, our parent company, is up for sale as part of a filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Lemme be clear: I don’t think this represents the fighting game community at all. It’s a wildly diverse group of people, as is the case with any community. The difference with the FGC—and all competitive esports—is that things happen in the spotlight, so you’re more likely to see awful things happen. But myself (and

Well, fine folks of Kotaku, that’s all from us. Thanks so much for letting us entertain you over the long weekend. If YOU ever feel the need to write about gaming, cartoons, snacks or more you can always come hang with us over at the reader-run Talk Amongst Yourselves blog. Sayonara! - Ben and Narelle

Plus, the essence of flavor.

What, no floor meat?

Bruce Campbell has to be Sully. There can be no one better.