
Never played Until Dawn, but I know him from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. His voice is quite similar isn’t it.

I can see Chris Pratt in the role. He’d be on the short list for a middle-aged Drake.

Bradley Cooper is a good action funny guy. He wouldn’t be a bad choice.

All these casting choices for Drake. They are all good choices.

I loved Psych! James Roday has the humor, and the look. He would make a great Drake.

Ooohhh, she definitely has the right look for Elena.

He did have the look, then Castle softened him up. I can see others who can make Drake work.

I’m sure we can find younger actors for Drake, but who would play Elena and Sully? I actually would love to see J.K. Simmons play Sully and as for Elena, maybe Jennifer Lawrence, or an actress around the same age and body shape.

Uncharted was at one point going into film, but it never took off. I’ve always pictured Nathan Fillion as Drake, since he has the look and humor. He might just be too old now.

If only they referenced the shadow games.

This made me laugh so damn hard. Damn you Z for hitting my funny bone.

Now playing

I really wished I play this game. Looks like it was a laugh. That Buzz Lightyear trick though...It reminds me of something...

I hate to say it GBD, but I’ve never watched the series. I may have caught a glimpse of it at one point or another, but never caught my interest.

I can’t wait to see what else Jo comes up with, using the Nerf Now crew for Overwatch.

That they do. I never played the ones after Arkham City. Did they further improve the stealth mechanics?

They are not zombies...they are just mutant fungi people! But Ellie falls on their deaf ears!

I have yet to replay Uncharted 4, but I did go back and play through Uncharted 2 and 3. Their stealth sections are short but sweet. Naughty Dog learned a lot from The Last of Us on how to create effective sneak scenarios.

The non-lethal approach is quite a difficult task. You can get around quick in some sections, but others you need to wait for the right opportunity, which can take minutes.

I liked the stealth element, and managed to get through most of the stealth sections unharmed except the really long winded ones. (Marooned stealth section be damned!)

Alright, was thinking of classics, first Metroid, but couldn’t find any good images. Then I thought Duck Hunt and BAM!