
I hope that Ross is just faking this “friendship” with her to get her to spill that T. You know, the whole thing about keeping your enemies closer. Next step: get her drunk enough to talk like crazy in national TV and give something up that can be used by daddy Mueller.

Julie Chu will obviously be played by Emma Stone.

I’m so tired of millionaire famous people and their dumb “beefs” with each other. I 💓 dirt bag and celebrity goss, but T Swizzle needs to fall back. Go enjoy the luxe life that wealth and fame afford you, and stop with the petty fake victimization that no one believes.

I think this tip requires setting up an email account in the Mail app in the first place - otherwise, “Preferences” is grayed out and we’re stuck on the prompt to add an account.

So she’ll be Karlie Kloss Kushner. KKK. Fit right in.

The joke’s on CBS, Emma Stone won’t be any cheaper.

Good information in the article. However, nothing listed as a potential source of histamines is a “cocktail.”

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

We’re supposed to care and to empathize with them. With racist shitbirds. Naw, I say fuck them. They are in love with the ones who keep them poor and ignorant and they actively cultivate and spread fear and hatred. And now they have complete control of this country.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

I just can’t. He has nice abs and I salute him for putting in that work, but he is That Guy that irritated the shit out of me by trying to charm his way out of trouble. He is Logan Huntzberger in a more athletic body.

Post Baby!

You left the US off this list, which may be an issue for international readers...

I thought you weren't supposed to talk about it!!

are we still pretending that we didnt all already know that he would not stay dead

Breathe, yo.

Please let Fitz be assassinated in the first episode.

I found maintaining different walk-in-closet-fulls of my finery at each of my residences too tedious, so I just bought a slightly bigger plane and had the designers outfit the back fifth of the cabin as my mobile boutique. Problem solved.