Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.
Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.
One of the thoughts that I’ve hated more than anything over the last 300 million years it feels like Trump has been President, is the amount of credit he gets for being some next level supervillain genius who’s masterfully manipulating the press and his believers.
He believes the bit about the smugglers and the duct tape because he believes it, and because he believes it now he will never stop believing it.
I forget where I read this (here?) but someone said that the people who want to ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother’s life prove that the “Pro-Life” movement is about punishing women. The fetus doesn’t change based on how it was conceived, so why would abortion be okay in some cases…
I think this is more of an indication of how much work the KC defense needs. Mahomes was awesome again in the second half, but the top offenses can just match the KC offense.
As a community organizer, I start every public and private event here in Oregon with:
Thanks Nick. I have a couple, immediate thoughts. Part of the problem (apart from the historic and current racism and dehumanizing of native peoples, and of course bad parenting by these kid’s parents) is that these kids have probably never interacted with / known a native person in their life. Kentucky seems to have…
It’s semantics, but ‘commited suicide’ should be avoided
I’m really glad that Fox decided not to run the replay again after the first time as I screamed in terror when I saw what happened.
All fanbases/alumni booster programs are filled with old rich dudes. Notre Dame’s are especially old and especially rich.
Melania will suffice.
To me, this is somewhat hilarious considering the lengths they went with the Brady’s phone situation.
Love that the league would basically say, “Hey we tried, but we were told no.”
Two more weeks, tops, until he starts calling everyone communists to deflect blame.
“He asked me if I liked the announcers, and I said I don’t really pay close attention to them. He got a good chuckle out of that.”
This Is Us on Diet Coke & Methamphetamines
This was actually an ad for their new sitcom, “Triumph of the Will and Grace.”
I think he ran the concession stand in week 3 and successfully kept Jameis Winston away from the crab legs.
I wondered what happened to her after she got fired from The Blaze.
GOP: Let’s immediately begin an investigation into Hillary Clinton sending a bomb to herself!