
Wow. Jokes aside, this is absolutely fucking insane.

What I took from the game was that it was the first game during these playoffs that the Patriots were called for an offensive penalty. That’s two full games where the referees didn’t call ONE penalty on the offense. There are penalties on almost every play in every game by every team, however it took two full games

The troops who actually understand the oath they take require no reconciliation from the cowardly clown in chief.

I suppose there’s some sort of societal good in locking him up for the rest of his life as opposed to just giving him a swift shove off a high cliff but in a case like this it’s pretty hard to see it.

It’s going to come out that he was late to a practice or team flight or some other bullshit. Sometimes NFL coaches are so up their own ass.

Tom Brady: somehow the one white guy on the Pats who *can’t* catch a pass

Finally a chance to throw batteries at someone’s head out of joy instead of anger.

Still not as bad as Dodge using MLK to try to sell trucks.

I didn’t think it was possible for this to be more upsetting. Every detail I read, every article that provides more information...I get more and more revolted. Now we see how even the kids’ friends are on Nassar’s side. God...

“It’s like I’m living a movie,” Mr. Smith said, when asked for comment.

South Carolina certainly didn’t feel this interested in standing for the US flag a little over 150 years ago.

Where’s the option for +100 stars?

I assume we can look forward to Penn State erecting a statue in honor of Simon soon.

Let’s be clear, this arrogant fuck didn’t do it out of any sense of responsibility. Someone or someones who have what the Trustees and Simon only care about, money, must have finally spoken.

I’m so happy H. Chung kicked his ass.

I’m surprised no one mentioned that in the old days, it was a way to possibly get upgraded to first class. I was a long-haired troublemaker like all other teens and young adults, but for flights I’d throw on a jacket and collared shirt and tie. It was a long shot, but often enough to make a difference, a comely

I suspect quite a number of sports fans care if an American player currently getting lots of media coverage for sudden international success sincerely believes Hillary Clinton ran a child sex slavery ring in the basement of a pizza restaurant and spends his free time reading neo-Nazi material.

Oh, well that makes everything OK! Yeah, just delete the tweets so now that you’re marginally more famous than you were a few weeks ago no one can see what a small minded dickface you are. That’ll solve everything!

“May God one day grant us all the self-assurance necessary to do whatever the real-life equivalent of joining a 73-win team is, and then proceed to lecture people about not working hard enough.”