Mini Moose

vs Kojima showing up to once more show off that he knows people in Hollywood.

The way they kept, almost instantly, playing people off was terrible. It really felt like they don’t give a shit about the awards when they have to bring out Kojima to announce nothing for eons. Geoff even ‘thanking’ the first winners for keeping it short felt less like the joke he, no doubt, intended it to be and

This looks the same as the last eleventeen or so Dragon Balls games I have been skipping.

The show Home Movies taught me not to get tattoos and to play soccer instead 

I really, REALLY cannot wait for the generation of young people that, realizing that their moms’ and dads’ tattoos are ugly as fuck, decide to rebel against their parents by NOT getting insane amounts of poorly planned ink in their skin.

Sounds like Ayer thinks he farts smell like bakery fresh cinnamon roles.

You understand this happens all the time, right?

I don’t know how to tell you this, but this isn’t a court case. We do not need DNA evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s a dick.

Tim Allen being an absolute asshole on set isn’t new. This is less about this specific incident and more just about confirming what’s been known for decades. He’s *notorious* for this.

Yea, he really does seem the type to walk around life completely delusional like that.

More than a decade ago, Warner Bros. settled a lawsuit with the tattoo artist who designed (and copyrighted!) Mike Tyson’s face tattoo which the movie studio had replicated exactly for a joke in The Hangover 2.

This is more or less what I would expect from someone who’s probably thinking “I’m surrounded by godless heathen libtards” every day he’s on a film set.

He’s got more snow in his past than Santa.

Doesn’t matter, he’s working with other people, fellow professionals who deserve a baseline of respect, and (former) star status doesn’t excuse him from basic decency, which it sounds like Allen has very little of

Tim Allen was always an hypocritical asshole who should have been in jail for trafficking.

Yes. All the major ingredients there.

Textbook narcissist. What a manipulative piece of shit.

major Theater Kid energy” --- Shudder and squirm 🤮