Kindly go fuck yourself up a hot stovepipe
Kindly go fuck yourself up a hot stovepipe
if i remember right the Spiderwick stuff had finished filming. they hadnt started any post production so it wasnt exactly “in the can”
Mandalorian started out as a Star Wars version of Lone Wolf & Cub, so it was only a matter of time before they got around to a Zatoichi reference.
The empirial remnants can’t have much funding, and they do pay by the laser, as we all know. Obviously they’re gonna go for the Kmart brand laser when designing their ships
I think the Highlander TV should start with origins on Zeist. That is where the real fans want the story to go.
“While it seems pretty clear that the security guards were in the wrong here—if for nothing else than putting their hands on someone who didn’t pose an active threat”
This guy seems totally obnoxious, if I’d paid a ton of money to see Adele and there was a douche in front of my swinging his selfie stick around and making the whole show about him, I’d probably want security to boot him out too.
Yeah, but he looks like he’s not old enough to refuse his yearly appointment with daddy.
Crazy that any time this dork goes out in public he’s massively booed. Almost like no one likes him outside his twitter blue check bubble.
Remember, Elon: these guys can’t all be pedos.
As always, his ego cannot comprehend that no one likes him. He’s been wrecking everything he touches for years. He just had enough people around him that cared that he couldn’t fire.
He is a grifter, a charlatan, and has ruined one of the most vibrant online communities just to stoke his own ego. The irony is that it’s…
He was certainly evil in the Thrawn Trilogy, fighting the New Republic and trying to deliver Leia/Han’s twins to an insane Dark Jedi. All the stuff about him being on a somewhat noble secret mission came later, and I for one don’t like it one bit, Zahn or not.
The Matricksh
the Director Commentary for Wrath of Khan is great. especially the scene where Khan is introduced. Nicholas Meyers talks about how Montalban just came in and nailed it. he couldnt come and do normal rehearsals because he was doing Fantasy Island at the time. Meyers talks about how he was scared because he was such a…
Based on Blue Beetle’s box office performance, I wouldn’t hold my breath for a sequel.
Wow it's like the "instead of bonuses we're having a pizza party" thing that businesses do, but even worse. At least then you get a meal.
God you’re the worst kind of faux contrarian centrist
This is how they should have rebooted Gilmore Girls.