Mini Moose

well thats good. that means they’re not going to dwell on that mystery too long. 

hopefully it stays more towards the manga and 97 video game look. theyre wildly different from the 95 film and the animes that followed it.

nah, im good. 

wait, is this connected to the ScreenRant article that just came out that was basically a “hit piece” on Jenny Nicholson video? y’all really need to make it less apparent y’all are being paid by disney on this. come on.

i mean i did say The The Enterprise Incident

what do you mean a heist is a “beloved a Trek trope”?? i can only think of like 5 times theyve really done it. TNG’s Starship Mine, where others go on a heist and Picard lets out his inner John McClane. DS9's Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang. TOS’s The Enterprise Incident. that one episode of Enterprise where they find the

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JCVD better making a goddamn cameo is all im saying

god. i tried to watch it a few months ago on Netflix and i couldnt get but like 30 minutes into it. the costumes and the set designs looked really good. like the actors really looked the part, but the acting and the story was fucking annoying. the weird color grading and choices really didnt help either

i might get shit for saying this, but Bryan Fuller’s attempt wasnt that bad. it wasnt great dont get me wrong, but it was different. better than the straight up remake like Zombie kind of sorta tried to do.

it looks a lot better than the previous video with Carrie Anne Moss, but it still doesnt look that good. i mean every star wars fight is choreographed to hell, so they never look natural. so i guess i cant really complain.

i feel insane saying this, but it doesnt seem that bad to me.


can we just kill off the Kelvin movies now? 

so did Colin Baker before he was the 6th Doctor in Arc of Infinity as Commander Maxil

i forgot he was even in Brave New World. in fact is he sure hes even in it anymore with all the major rumors reshoots?

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i dont particularly have anything wrong with lightsaber whips since we found out lightsabers have a training mode.

same species?

so we got this, Daredevil, and Iron Heart left out of the mistake that was the glut of Disney+ shows from the previous CEO. i know they said they’re going to stick to 2 show and 2-3 movies a year, so im curious whats going to come out after 2025.

i dont think it was. i think they really went through all those titles to see what would stick and none of them really did. someone in the marketing probably within the last few weeks realized they could use it. which is why did that last one the other day since they were finally going to announce it.

something about this imagine is grossing me out. i cant tell what it is.