Mini Moose

wow, what a shit article about nothing. i didnt think this site could come up with a worse way to use the slide show “feature” but here we are, and you used AI to do it.

MEAN GIRLS!! thats the one i was trying to think of. i just remember they did it with Wonka too, but Mean Girls was the bigger one

Now playing

i like how we all have consciously continued the Asian Jim joke from the office.

probably dont want to scare people off from it being a musical like they did with Wonka

because not every movie can be Bad News Bears.

the Shire

this looks really good

man i cant wait for this

Tubi’s the best! i saw someone say its like a virtual version of going to the video store as a kid, not knowing anything, and looking at all the weird covers.

funny enough i watched The Stuff last night on Pluto, and that was a weird ass movie.

thats because its come out Robert Beltran is a bit of a dipshit scab eating asshole. 

ooh, this looks really good.

i that everyone who buys one and uses it in public ends up like that dude from the Outer Limits


this seems interesting. i hope its not a annoying jumpscare-a-rama like most found footage movies are nowadays

you know its bad when youre contemplating that the M.Night movie might be a better adaption. 

oh i know. i was just in a hopeful mood when i wrote that. ive slept since then and came back to my senses

Deadpool 3 might actually help, but not for the reasons that were given. its the only mainline MCU movie coming out this year. and its not even a mainline movie movie. with everything thats going on bts it feels like Marvel might have learned the lessons of scaling back. we dont need 3-4 movies and 3-4 tv shows a

“mixed bag” ???

yeah sure, “shelf”