Mini Moose

wow, cant wait to read more about how much more of an asshole Mace Windu is. hes such a cool character played by a cool actor, only to be one of the biggest assholes in all of Star Wars.

or you could install uBlock to keep webpages from having to load so much extra bullshit

who ungrayed this idiot?

good. fuck him

this is such a bad take its hilarious. 

this looks kind of bad, but i kind of dont care. im not a big fan of the realistic animation though. it kind of gives me G-Savior vibes

good, stay away. do let the door hit you on your way out

I’ve been having to use the mobile version, yeah I know I know, and I've finally got a nice look at what's being advertised. it's just shitty hentai sites and whatever the fuck TEMU is.

I wish he would die already

maybe you should have ran this comment by your friends and family before posting so they can tell you how much of as asshole you're sounding.

from the companies he built*??

im kind of honestly surprised tbh. figured it would be quietly canned or something. its survived DC Universe, HBOMax, and now Max.

that he was famous and beloved by an entire generation of geeks who’d grew up watching him as Picard...

comic book movies having been stunt casting since the Singer X-Men movies. if not longer.

2 maybe 3 of them looks like something you’d see from the 90s. the rest of them look like something for a very small childs tv show. the lines and colors are wrong. the only thing that makes them “90s” is that some of them are wearing old costumes.

god we are so fucked

the costumes dont look that bad, but theyre very clearly designed not meant to be 1 to 1 for something live action. like i get why they dont do the comic Spider-Man eyes, but they set up an good explanation for why MCU Peter can do it. so it wouldnt have been that hard to just copy that.

i used to watch TBBT for a while and i thought Young Sheldon was gonna be more of the same i kind of wrote it off. a couple of years ago i watched some random episodes and it wasnt that bad. felt like a weird Wonder Years

youd think this would be like DC, but its not. DC animated movies arent meant for theaters, but Sonys are. so youre right this is a weird thing