Mini Moose

yeah i was gonna say, ive never heard of this. 

thats so cool. sooner or later people will be able to make ones that do stuff.

i hate that dumbass theory. the reason “Bandit putting his hand on Chilli” was because Bingo was already getting upset about her play going wrong. they saw something bad about to happen and they were gearing up to go comfort her, but she power through it.

this going to be an other Ellen Pao situation isnt it? hes gearing up his shit heads by telling people its a lady instead of just outright naming her.

i was making a joke, but theres a novelization that says Mogai were aliens. they were created by some scientist named Mogturmen to put on planets to encourage peace and love.

you know why? because a former AVClub writer wrote on twitter virtually the same post yesterday.

so i guess theyre not making him an alien anymore?

look i love B5 and i will be watching this, but can we stop with multiverse stuff already. why does B5 need a multiverse? i get its the hip new thing to have since cinematic universes are played out right now, and B5 already had a shared universe before it was cool.

oh yay, a whole new way for rightwing nutjobs to harass people on twitter

Now playing

i was going to comment that exactly. like i knew it was a Twilight Zone like thing, but i couldnt remember why. its always been in my mind anytime that ride is talked about.

i mean to be fair, twitter isn’t known for shows. they live stream important news stuff from time to time, or at least used too, but that was through C-SPAN or other news sites that were already doing it. they also had Periscope but they axed that years and years ago. 


i mean it makes sense. i remember a lot of people were wondering who was going to direct since Feige was just writing/producing it. the Russo’s seem like the most logical choice tbh. they have a really good working relationship and have made a couple billion with each other. which is what Star Wars really needs. the


you know, except the two times they already did it in Clone Wars and Rebels.

wait. so youre telling me Elon Musk is a hypocrite?

i feel like getting the ship off the surface would be hella easy. no need for all that construction and shuttles parked around it. its a still, mostly, working ship. just turn it back on, fire up some forcefield, have a couple other ships in low orbit with their tractor beams, and youre all set.

this actually looks pretty good. looks like theyre doing the whole book in one movie which is surprising tbh. there was a lot going in there that it could have been a satisfying two parter unlike Mockingjay. even had clear division for it.