Mini Moose

you right, but eventually those naysayers will be right and alot of people agree that Discovery has been pretty bad. mainly for different reasons.

fuck you, thats great!

i liked the movie. it was a solid 3 out 5. but did anyone else get Thor Ragnarok vibes from it? like even down to the cgi character showing their ass

didnt they say that for the last reboot?

On Tuesday, The Information reported based on anonymous sources familiar with the matter that Reddit is planning to go public sometime later this year, likely in the latter half of 2023.

OH GOD I FORGOT ABOUT THAT CARTOON! i dont remember what channel aired it but i remember watching the hell out it. it had to be around when the movie came out.

This makes it sound like it’s just Dan Harmon calling people in his underwear with one of those big desk blotter calendars asking people if they’re available on June 8th and then moving on to the next day with a new round of calls.

Now playing

at least the Sharktopus sequel gave us this

Netflix Avatar series has been doomed ever since the creators walked away over two years ago.

god i hope not. 

i have not thought about this show in like 100 years. 

really? theyve been saying it was a baby literally since the movie came out. the real confirmation was that its an alien. until now its been mostly speculated that it was an deep sea creature that was woken by the satellite/meteor that you see crashing in the footage at the end.

wow... these are awful. like not even remotely funny

my understanding is that he didnt turn it down, he wasnt invited back. because he was doing that White Dragon fan film and Hasbro didnt like that.

i had all the Gundam Wing models back in the day, plus a lot of random other ones from gundam shows i didnt know about. i was just really super into the models. like i enough to get a lot of those cool Gundam pins. if anyone remembers those.

Lucasfilm has always been like that though. its just funny that people are learning about it now, or relearning it. its why the Filioni hate is so dumb in the first place. dude knows what hes doing and hes been doing it longer and better than most people in that production company.

oh god. r/prequelmems was so loud and annoying about the change. the only saving grace was Andor coming out.

i honestly wouldnt be surprised at this point.

while i think a lot of “leakers” have been over hyping the test screenings as “THE BEST DC MOVIE TO DATE” there really hasnt been that much to say it wont be enjoyable at least.

theres been some, but its not as big as a lot of people think. its mostly just memes from r/prequelmemes and some weirdos on other star wars subreddits.