Mini Moose

you know... uh... people... uh... umm.. i mean... the first one made a billion dollar... but... uh..people man... they really gravitated towards... and James Cameron... dude is a... the titanic was a masterpiece... and like... you know... Terminator, that was a good movie!!

no one talks about Rise of Skywalker because theres nothing to talk about. its just a lot of backtracking and nerd boners. it didnt try anything new or daring so thats why no one talks about it.

then ill just delete it off my phone and use the browser? i have an adblocker there too just like my desktop

is it me or is the lighting really off in that picture? like it looks weird AF


is the American version of Ghost good? ive watched half of the british version and kind of fell off. i really like the premise of it

wasnt she originally going to direct Thor 2? but she didnt like how Marvel was micromanaging things at the time so she quit. her leaving was also one of the reasons Natalie Portman didnt want to come back till Thor 4 also the money they dumped on her doorstep


i remember seeing this go around earlier this year when we had that snow storm in Texas. like i get it, people want to be helpful but a lot of these people are jsut clout chasers. who didnt do any research and doesnt understand what theyre advertising.

that was pretty cute. i can see people get annoyed by Toad if hes like that the entire movie though. got to hear more of Pratts accent in play. it still sounds off, but its not really that bad. 

look, im trying really hard not be a dick. like i didnt like the movie, my family didnt like the movie, all my friends didnt like the movie, everyone online didnt like the movie, but theres someone out who liked it.

oh i agree. 

oh definitely. plus she’ll probably be a producer no matter what they do with the film. 

i dunno about that. she already had two DC movies in the bag. one was even touted as the best DCEU movie.

man Patty Jenkins is getting the short stick isnt she? she quit her Rogue Squadron movie to work on Wonder Woman 3. now this.

this show is so god damn weird. i love it

i wonder how much money Musk is losing by all these firings? i read that in california you get 3 months compensation but i dont know the finer details. does this apply to the janitors?

its so crazy. i didnt really care to see this movie so i didnt keep up with it after it his theaters. then sunday i saw it online and said to myself “i thought this literally just came out. theres no way.

god, the trending topics have gotten so fucking awful since his take over. like they were annoying but were easy to just ignore with a couple of clicks. but now even if its a topic youre interested it its just been astroturfed by porn and whoever keeps saying the like button has changed color.