Mini Moose

fuck the Joker!

its so funny because didnt Crunchyroll start out as a pirating site?

yeah. im 100% sure it was meant as a joke, but its such a funny quote considering the context.

yeah. im pretty sure thats what they’re hinting at. the universe is pretty blank for Moribus and Venom to fit in. plus Sony wouldnt have to do a lot of background legwork since most of its already in place. i think even Garfield even said in his universe the craziest thing he fought was a guy in a Rhino suit.

oi vey

you taste the metal too, right?

...but... huh... this is so dumb

i tasted metal reading this. thanks

okay i havent watched the episode so i dont know if its mentioned, and its been a while since i watched Time’s Arrow, but didnt Guinan and Picard meet in 1890? time hasnt split yet so everything before then should just be the same, shouldnt it?

just beginning to figuring it out? theyve pushed it back 20 times now. they know, they just have contractual obligations to put it out.

theres a book by David A. Goodman called The Autobiography of James T. Kirk that explores Kirks history. its not canon, but no Star Trek book is honestly, but its really really good. it combines some aspects of JJTrek Kirk through the lens of main universe Kirk and the history we know to give some meat to the

yeah but we dont talk about that episode.

the whole scene in the medical ship i believe. 

God Bless Chuck Tingle

god, theyre going to destroy Earth arent they?

because star wars nerds

god, i want a West Wing style show with Sheev set in the early Empire.

Now playing

because Gushing Grannies has a bad connotation

oh my god, i totally forgot about that Fail Safe remake. i remember watching it and my dad laughing at bits. later that week he rented Dr Strangelove so we could watch it, and said it was the same thing but a lot better. and it was.

SciFi channel was going to do a Thing 2 mini series around the time they did those Dune ones. theres a two episode of Best Movies Ever Made podcast where they had the writer on. it was actually a pretty interesting take. now would have it been good? probably not, especially on a mid 2000's SciFi channel budget.