Mini Moose

i bet its the house. 

no. the only reason the MCU will collapse is when it starts to become unwieldy to the average movie goer. the thing is the average movie goer is much smarter and more tech savvy than 10 years ago. which makes it so much easier to keep up with things. plus how simple Marvel keeps their movies they can ride this out for

i said that they all but confirmed that theres going to be a Joker in this movie. especially at the end with the laugh and the gang members in the joker-esq make up on twitter last night. i’m still getting replies about how stupid and dumb i am.

i knew it was a weird sex book, but i didnt realize how fucking gross it would get. 

yeah but hes not in it a whole bunch. im pretty sure Vicious has more screen time in the third episode than he did in the entire anime.

fuck, youre right. 

would Michael even know what a Cardassian is? 

god i miss those

$100 million dollars

jesus, Spotify just keeps getting worse and worse. they’ll pay millions for Joe Rogan’s shitty podcast but wont pay for actual comedians who have talent. 

god, this keeps looking worse and worse. 

oh i agree, but i think a big part of the problem with The Matrix series is that the first movie was legit just lightning in a bottle. then the other two movies tried to explore the deeper or hidden concepts a lot of people at the time just didnt understand, and honestly still dont. thats why it went off the rails.

because hes also Nic Cage. 

it cant be any worse than a Hack Snyder “deconstruction,” so at least thats got it going for it. while i do agree that taking that hard of a look behind the looking glass can ruin a series i think The Matrix has that kind of built in.

from what ive read this is season 3, but its a new “chapter”. like how the Aftermath books worked. where Mando is the main story but the Book of Boba is a random interlude. that stuff annoying as hell in those books so hopefully this isnt.

thats because this is for the new generation’s nostalgia

you do realize that the book and movie are two separate things right? i agree with you, but in the movies it was never specified. in fact someone even said it was mentioned in Jurassic World and i didnt even remember it.

its been so long since ive seen Jurassic World so i didnt remember that. i do remember Wu saying that in the book though. his whole chapter was about how the dinosaurs arent real and how they could so anything they wanted with them. like the ones at the park werent even the original versions. they were on like version

There was no frog DNA used to bridge the gaps in the genomes...

right right, let me just pedal myself 20 miles to walmart through two towns on a backroad full of trucks and farm equipment with my bags of groceries thats supposed to last me... how long? its cool your child can ride to school and back with their backpack full of paper and a chromebook.