Mini Moose

look i get it. its Star Wars. but come on!

i’m like Brian here. i live in Texas and a lot of the people i know are just like that. they spew such bullshit that its almost parody, but they’re doing it out of sense of misguidedness. they dont want to look like sheep or whatever. but its honestly split down the middle. some i do know are avid church goers and

okay, so its been over a month now and hopefully the nerd rage has calmed down a bit...

ooooooh, thats much better!!

they should have called its

i always get him and the kid who played the Joker on Gotham mixed up

cant wait to read how right wing nutjobs people will get pissed over this

i havent watched Rick and Morty in a long time but this was funny. 

is this version any good? i started watching the original BBC show over the weekend and its the best. 

i didnt hate the first season of the revival... i just didnt care for it after a few episodes.

speaking of Helstrom and Ghost Rider, whatever happened to those tv shows?

Now playing

Mike I have no clue, but Jay and Rich did a video about the trailer when it was realised many many moons ago and they were luke warm on the whole thing.

im probably going to love it so i dont even care. 

well that was underwhelming 

youre not missing out

as much as i love the Craig era Bond... okay 3 of the movies, i think its time to go back to the original formula where they were just “self contained” movies. where you dont have to see the last 5 to understand who people are.

its twitter. what do you think?


like ive never been into Archie so the show was never for me. i think i watched like 3 episodes before i gave up. it just reminded me of Twin Peaks if James was the main character. so it wasnt good.

basically the show did a Best of Both Worlds at the end of season 1 and went nuts. what they do is introduce weird shit and see if it sticks. if it doesnt its dropped pretty fast. its why they have such weird shit going on all the time and but doesnt pay much attention to it.