Mini Moose

EXACTLY!! Even in TOS Kirk didnt know who Khan was till Spock said he was a earth tyrant and he read up on him. What made it worse was when Leonard Nimoy spock skyped in and was like “Yo, Khan is like totes really bad. Like in my universe he tried to kill you twice and hes your worst enemy.

Family Guy did it first

Shes been on the show since season three and they’ve been dating since the end of season three. 

You can tell they went into this as the last season with the Angel War stuff. I wonder how they’re gonna make it so an extra season won’t drag.

Eh... Not for me.


We’re going to be seeing pandemic movies for a while arent we?

Yeah they used to play all the Flintstone cartoons all the time on CN because thats where I watched it.

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I remember reading something about him being an angel because Roddy McDowall would come by as Satan to steal peoples souls

I wonder if that spin off from the 70's where Pebbles and Bam Bam were teenagers will be canon.

why do you want to hurt me like this?

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Oh man, if you liked that you should check out Moontrap! Its got Chekov and Bruce Campbell

Look. Is this movie bad? Yes. Does it hold up? Hell no? Did I buy it in 2003 at Best Buy for $30 because I was super into Gundam at the time? Yes. Am I going anywhere with this? No.

Im sorry you never grew out of edgy teen phase.

Nah! Keep him as is. Not every god needs to be buff AF. 

His version of Dawn of The Dead looked good, but it missed the whole point of the original.

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Its just that its going to be more of Hack Snyder’s bullshit. He just needed to say “I just wanted cool robots in my movie” none of this “bruh, are they from the government or are they aliens?!?!!?

Exactly! Im cool with the idea but knowing Hack Snyder its going to be more bullshit. 

You have a point.

...fucking kill me