Oh I dont give a shit about the art. Its whatever.
That looks terrible
I havent actually seen any memes from She-Ra either, but thats me.
Hey man, Becker was great... till the last season when Dax left again
No. Its not the buyers fault the person selling the item is an idiot not informed about price. Hell, if it was legal most Garage Sales and pawn shops, and their shows, would be out of business.
That was fucking great!
Im pretty sure his name is Pub Gee.
I loved it. It felt like a cross between Documentary Now and Drunk History. I kind of hope this becomes a thing. Netflix bringing in other “big” actors wanting to research their family acting history and doing weird shit like this.
I hate that that’s fucking funny to me.
They seem to have the breast physics down.
Dude, people have realizing it for years. Its nothing new. Go soap box somewhere else.
Ive been watching Mad Men and the stuff they have her do. Fucking hell, no wonder our parents are fucked up.
It really wasnt.
This is the first time theyve been caught doing something like this. Last year they did a series of E3 videos in the weird Steven Septic vlogging style. They were called out pretty hard on youtube by people.
I dunno about that. Last I heard he was committing to much tax fraud to have time to smoke
...unless you like big manga tits in a blazer.
No, its Icelandic for Sugar Ray