Ally Green

There’s something to be said about just having a robust immune system. I do everything I can to build up my immune system (rarely get sick, never taken medicine, not even Tylenol). I’ll pass on the flu shot but totally understand those that get it

While some Unions are OK and do right by the employee and employer, I worked with and then supervised some of the most hostile and petulant group of people I’ve ever had the displeasure to meet. Brand new employee, made $21 an hour and paid $50 a month for Union dues. Free healthcare for them and their family, pension

PWC is so underrated. I plan on going to VIR in April to watch them.

So the “scientists” that did this “experiment” didn’t account for quite a few differences in controls here. Apples vs other foods does not equate to organic vs conventional. They literally needed to compare apples to apples to get a better representation of the data, but that would probably screw up their biases, no?

You sir deserve all the stars.

My takeaway? Forcing people to look at pictures of apples turns them into pricks.

Yeah, I don’t understand anything about this “experiment”.

They literally failed to do an apples-to-apples comparison.

[P]eople who were given pictures of apples labeled “organic” to look at proved much more judgmental and condemning of others when asked to make moral judgments about behavior, versus people who had been shown pictures of comfort foods. When those same groups of people were asked to volunteer a few minutes of their

Huh, I would have thought your accuracy would go to shit.

There’s a bill in congress now to ban all semi-autos with a detachable mag.

I’m sure that 7 bullet rule is followed to the letter.

If you create systems that allow people to freely express themselves, you shouldn’t be surprised when they express themselves, nor expect that they will always do so in a factually accurate or socially responsible manner.

What a silly reaction from instagram. It’s just as easy to “slip through” with offensive content on their platform without the use of any third party. When is this madness going to end, just remove bad content and move on with your life

Hogg did challenge Jones first and then backed off. Yet Jones is in the wrong here? And your hitpieces only draw more attention to him.

It is not.

Precisely. Or how many devices are dependent on GPS signal. Mass pandemonium. A couple missiles. Seems like a pretty good return on investment.

You want to talk real terrorism. Think about taking down even half of the GPS/Glonass Satellites. Could you imagine all the people who would have to learn how to read real maps?

I disagree. If taking out or at least handicapping your enemy’s communications isn’t job one, it’s at least top 3. A couple well placed missiles to comm satellites would be an incredibly effective move with very little risk. Imagine what would happen here if the internet went down, even regionally.

If you use the "do-it-yourself" cups rather than the disposable cups, you waste less than making yourself a full pot of coffee. A microwave uses lots of energy to just heat water. A brewer heats the water faster.