
Why is it strange to say we live in a world with a flying car? They have had them since the 60s.

I can't watch this without asking why the hell we did that to ourselves, I know those nukes were smallish, and MANY were underground, but WTF. What did we really learn from all that?

@Jeff1741: The headphones that came with my iphone are the most uncomfortable things I have ever put in my ear, and I have stuck some really weird things in there.

This is hurting my brain like the airplane on a treadmill physics puzzle (Yes, I know, Mythbusters, etc..., but the mythbusters TEST was crap. Their physics was fine)

@cybershrike: I didn't mean to kick up such a kerfuffle, at some point it starts to make science look more like religion.

I love how all these ads for all these devices do nothing but advertise how we can stream shit, and then the providers act shocked that people are using them to stream shit.

This article is VERY misleading. You make it sound like water is powering a device. That is completely false.

Next time GADGET!!!!!!!

@hypo3400: Thank you. Much better stated than my comment, same sentiment.

@vlatro: What does matter to energy conversion rate in a nuclear reaction have to do with gps and satellite? Nuclear power and the atom bomb sure. But gps?

Moving to Valley Center in a month or so, it is about 45 mins out of San Diego. 1mbps down is the best we can get. Wireless. No cable, no dsl.

"I don't know" is my favorite phrase. Second only to "Let me find out".

OMFG. This is SOOOOOO what I want. GIMME.

@Aaron Huebner: I own three large fans, none of them have holes large enough or near enough to the blades to allow any digit from any aged person to contact a blade.

I always wonder how these people are taken seriously. None of this will be provable for so many years it is somewhat questionable to even make up these theories since they are just that, made up.

@vlatro: I see what you did there. *clap*

@vlatro: The problem with all that, is that there is no way to really prove any of it. Ever. Right now we are doing little more than observing behavior from REALLY far away that we can barely even measure with our primitive sensor capabilities. Our species may never know what is really going on.

@Kuipo: For me, pure text is not very useful for notes. Maybe if I was taking dictation, but I need to draw workflows, uml sketches, create tables effortlessly, the kind of stuff that you don't think about with a pen but is VERY hard without one.

@bdkennedy1002: Not paying attention, the red ring is gone on the new 360.