
@Bryan South: You are in the military/police. Your radio battery just died, you are being shot at and you need to send/receive instructions.

@Platypus Man: It is not designed for use in the home with air conditioning and proper lighting. One day all batteries might be like that, but for now it is for times when time is of the essence or you can't see the polarity markings.

People, WTF! There are some really good applications and they are listed right in the post. Things like low light environment, hostile environments, police and military, etc...

@headc4se: I do too, but on the way I pause for the comedic value of reading the suggestions. Often you get song lyrics, but some really crazy stuff too.

@SinisterFootwear: On tech bulletin boards, does the random public know or care? I just overheard a conversation today with 4 people walking by my cube, one mentioned that the new iphone looked great and the other three were amazed it was out, and claimed they had been waiting for it.

@Canoehead: How do you synch your mac with his phone and yours? My computer had a hissy fit when I changed my cpu and motherboard and I had to entirely wipe the phone and re-synch everything that was on the computer to get my itunes to even THINK about letting me upgrade the firmware.

@knwldg: He was mocking how the newscasters kept saying things like "nobody knows how something like this could have happened, but witchcraft was probably involved!"

@Lemonade: We dont' know the details, it is not unheard of for os upgrades on the iphone to brick it. It may have been to fix something like that, who knows. Her local attempts at upgrading may have failed.

@TomXP411: Not in the end, her accusations were most likely her trying to offset her guilt or paranoia that you would find out. She was probably already cheating on you when the accusations started. It is pretty common in psychology to accuse others of what you are yourself ashamed of.

@Ghostnappa9001: hey, the new hotmail is actually pretty darn slick. Everyone knows how to spell gmail, that is why I am using gmail. Yes, it is that simple for me.

@headc4se: I know, it is just funny and often never makes any sense.

You must mean "how google works pigeon".

@Evodico: Yup, early adopters have been beta testers for a long time now for both hardware and software.

@froggy: Of course. All magical elements work like that. It's no big deal, it's just an element.

Time to put it in a small handheld device and sell it on the internet! What could go wrong?

@SkelatorDan: Yes, points are like world cup goals, completely arbitrary.

@Chernobyl: It just looks like aids period. I was on the floor laughing during the transcripts of the Aids platform because I could not force myself to read it the other way. The lower case i really stresses that A so it is natural for the brain to assume they were accidentally flipped.

@Eric Tate: Class action lawsuit in 3.... 2.... 1....

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: It is a new type of helium. They are calling it iPhonium. Its magic, don't try to understand it, it just works. The matter/antimatter thing was just an app.

First, I found that REALLY hard to watch, that fake hand creeped me the heck out. What the heck was wrong with the skin on that thumb? And why was he holding it in EXACTLY the 'wrong' way.