
And how do you know they are an MRA? I ask because a lot of people tend to label people MRAs that are not MRAs. they even go so far as to label people who are anti MRAs as MRAs for instance PUAs.

Thats why I ask.

Where did I say that women should stop complaining?

My point: We should stop taking issues that face both men and women caused by both men and women, and portray them as women’s issues caused by men.

Ps, I could not get to the actual study in that link you gave. the link at the bottom that goes to the PDF of the actual

You’re ignoring that men are also the majority of physical intimidation (EG: death threats) and that men are on par with women in terms of ‘sustained harassment’.

You are erasing these facts so that it fits your narrative of female victims male victimizers. You see that men are the majority of victims of less severe

yes they’re called conspiracy theorists.

Well I told you I was harassed and doxxed by feminists for being an MRA and you tried to downplay that by calling it criticism, when I called you out on that you said that I deserved to be harassed because I am an MRA.

I was trying to show you that had your comment been made about feminists for instance that you would

MRAs deserve anything they get? Wow.

“but if you’re lining up to defend Feminism you’ve fully earned whatever comes your way, which, if you couldn’t tell, won’t include this man’s sympathy!”

Gee that sounds really harsh, almost like saying that feminists deserve harassment and threats and the like.

Gee it’s like criticism isn’t harassment and I said harassment didn’t I?

Wow. Only a feminist could confuse harassment and criticism!

Well I’m a woman so I must be the biggest victim. Better issue me a better apology!

Also I love that you left out that men face higher rates of physical intimidation. Because death threats just dont matter when it’s a man on the receiving end right!

Men face the ‘less severe’ forms of harassment more often, and also face some of the ‘severe’ forms of harassment more often (physical intimidation)

Over all men are the majority of victims of online harassment according to this study.

Secondly I am not society I am an individual. As for a movement that aims to end

No I think it’s NOT an argument. thats why I am mocking you. You ahve no arguments.

How do you know the people who doxxed you were MRAs?

Love how you leave out that men are more likely to face physical intimidation. Real intellectually honest.

ancedotal evidence.

I’ve been harassed. Hell I’ve even been doxxed by people on jezebel because I dared to mention that I was an MRA ally! But I bet the jezebel feminists were just harassing me because I’m a transwoman right!

buncha misogynists they are!

What a fantastic argument!

people’s opinions (this was acting their opinion not their experience.) are subject to bias.

For instance, ignoring male suffering and highlighting female suffering.

Just like women who fear being alone at night, that doesn’t mean they ACTUALLY are at a higher risk than men.

Their fear doesn’t go to show that they are

So when feminist address a problem as a gender issue when it is actually gender neutral, they are actually being sexist, and misogynistic?

Yes it also says that the types of online harassment men likely face are much more common than the types that women likely face. It also says that men are more likely to face ‘physical intimidation’.

but hey. Reading comprehension and critical thinking are hard!

Yes women do get more sexually based threats on the internet, but men get more physically based threats on the internet (so like i’ll kill you vs i’ll rape you.)

Whats interesting is that any time you actually talk about men’s issues, people say that you’re a misogynist. or tell you to stfu and let feminists handle it.

“I have no influence on those statistics. The sad truth is that females DO get thrown a lot more shit at them. Just for being females.”

You talk about statistics, but citation needed.

Secondly, still sounds like victim blaming to me. Weird how when people like Anita Sarkeesian get harassment its chalked up to her being

the irony is that this would be considered online harassment. And for what, because they asked how many men are harassed on the internet?