
Why is it that every time there is more gun control, that is called common sense, there is another ‘common sense’ measure right behind it?

Give an inch and they take a mile.

LOL how fucking delusional do you have to be to say nobody has suggested banning hand guns.

When handguns were banned in DC and chicago, until recently.

Who do you think banned them there? the evil republicans?

Yeah... and?

You think people who own guns are psychopaths?

Lol, you learn about the world from a comedian.

You know, this is REALLY about toxic femininity.

Did you know that most child abuse and child murder is done by women?

what wars did he end? He bombed more countries than bush, and extended the time lines for iraq and afganistan.

maybe your kids are just dumb?

You’re a boring puritanical killjoy.

You still havent explained why it’s evil to have sex while very drunk.

Right you are, I did respond to the wrong person. Opps.

Holy strawman alert batman? Who said anything about NEEDING to? Who said anything about blacking out?

You’re strawmanning to dodge the point.

Why is it wrong for me and my partner to have sex with one another after drinking?

So if my boyfriend of a year and I, get drunk together, and have sex in our bedroom. We both did something wrong?

You realize how absurd that sounds?

You forgot to list idiot and dupe.

Why do feminists generally only apply this principle to women and sex?

Do you realize how radical it is to suggest that anything that anyone does that involves your person & property requires consent?

Question, if both are under the influence of drugs, how can you tell who the assailant is, and who the victim is?

There was video evidence...

They verified what was claimed by video evidence, not on faith.

Most of their boys were already surgically mutilated though.

Funny how this article doesn’t talk much about this man’s obsession with mutilating the genitals of young boys and how his influence spread the practice of male genital mutilation in the united states and how, in large part due to his influence, it’s still a

you’re aware that the same man advocated mutilating the genitals of boys as well right? and that in 2016 it’s still common practice?

Well just to pick two out of several dozens...

Gitmo, obama promised multiple times to close gitmo, and it is under military control and he can close it at any time via executive order (a tool that he has arguably abused during his terms, although this instance would not be an abuse) But instead he decided to wait