Morris already works for the NYTimes now.
Morris already works for the NYTimes now.
Barnwell, Keri and Lowe would be huge losses to Grantland.
Were all those injuries sustained during the making of this movie? Regardless, I wonder what her recovery time is like. Jesus.
I’m really curious as to how/why Kapernick fell off the cliff of awfulness and I really don’t think it can just be because of a change at Head Coach.
I really don’t understand why they won’t name this SMTV. Have they done this weird naming for their other games?
The music sounds great even if you die brutal deaths. Almost worth that exchange.
I was of the thought that a studio that produced good well known animes wouldn’t go bankrupt. This is sad news
Shovel Knight, which has paid off in spades.
So amazing.
Maybe you can deal with the wait. :/
Good Gravy. Gamestop is featured in a lot of these stories. Uncomfortably so.
I wonder whether this game would preclude Nintendo from making future Mario games now that they’ve given away the Keys to the Mushroom Kingdom.
oh wow, that’s beautiful.
All that chalk in the face has gotta sting a little bit.
Didn’t watch. What was the segment about?
I wonder if Cenac was there given light of the news that he and Stewart got into a heated conversation before his last year there as a correspondent.
I am so intrigued as to what his speeches/talks are about.
The bucket as a great weapon seems..obvious. I harken back to my days of watergun fighting. I didn’t have one, one time and was given the option to use a bucket but I had to insist on a watergun. Buckets drench people more easily than the pew pew of waterguns, I tell you what.
For these speedruns, are these games that the runners have done before? I was hoping to see gamers try to speedrun through games that are new to them, just to see how long it would actually take.
What’s the character at 1:03 with the blue flower hat? I thought I knew SMB well...but not well enough,I guess.