picture purrrfect

I don't think there's any gray area. If someone, male or female, grabs your junk uninvited, they should expect a slap in return.

Lindy, I think this is fake too. He looks like he fell asleep at a frat party. He's super hot though!

I always wondered what they said to the mediocre kids back in school...

10. " hey dudes, my GF fucked me in the ass last night with a strappy, im not gay or anything am i, AM I ??????????????? " .

OWN has also put up a clip of Thornton on her old show in 2000 and this is Matt Damon's face for most of the time that Thornton is talking.

I'll talk cock with you. And let them call us names... at least we will know what we're talking about.

When I click on something like this I expect it to equal or surpass the Two Penis story. The bar has been set, I'm afraid. The Two Penis Bar.

I want the show to be about Jake. Jake taking his shirt off. Jake taking a shower. Jake cooking. I'm telling you it would literally be the best show ever.

I pretty much just assumed this was the case from the beginning, so it's weird to see it as a fan theory, as if it might not be true. What a waste of a potential plot twist if Ned just cheated on Catelynn with a rando.

Goood let it be true. I don't even care what kind of prophecy is fulfilled, just let R+L=J be true.
btw, is it just me or does the Red God only seem to be working some real magic up until this point? Hint towards Melisandre's whole thing being true.

I liked Harrison's character but applaud Rhimes for diligently firing him after the domestic abuse charges.

Spoiler Alert: Wouldn't John's death by being stabbed by a thousand different people free him from his vows?

"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death."

Gosh, if only we could find them some girls who talk about cock. They'd probably all get on really well together.

Except realizing that the woman he loved had a child with another man (possibly willingly) would have done a lot to destroy love for a man like Robert. The only picture of his love for Lyanna that we get is him in the present, idealizing her in the past.

As a male human generally both turned off and utterly terrified (there must be a connection there) by classically beautiful women, I honestly couldn't think of anything worse than what this club is trying to be. I can also guarantee that my idea of what this guy calls a "9 or 10" could be the next guy's "5 or 6*" or

The real question you should be asking is "Who is John Stark's Father".

I vary between a 3 and a 10 from hour to hour, outfit to outfit, and how windy it is.

*aims slow headshake of disdain at appmakers*

Well, 50+ hour work weeks