I already know about them. Have followed them for years!
I already know about them. Have followed them for years!
I want to hug you.
Identical twins are freaks of nature in a sense. The egg fertilizes and SPLITS to make a copy of itself. #Spooky
OH!!! Home-brewed versus imported.
In that case a “tea” or her just inviting her friends to lunch to meet you would have been appropriate. If they felt like bringing something small then the could, but would not be obligated in any way.
Don’t feel TOO bad. Sometimes I am more than happy to attend in support of someone even when I know there is no room or money for me to be at the ceremony. Otherwise I would stay home. Often I will bring a small token gift or just come to enjoy or help out.
I have stopped attending showers that ask me to cover anything besides the costs of my clothing, transport, and gift. If you would like me to be in attendance, at the very least offer free punch and cake. If you can’t afford it, then you should focus on buying your own items. My family has never thrown any such event…
seriously he always looks miserable. what happened to him?
thank you.
I have learned (and not excusing that word in ANY way) but some people really don’t know that that word is offensive. They use it so often they don’t even think about it. It’s just another adjective. Wrong, but they don’t even realize.
It’s sad to hear young girls talking about their lives as if they were disposable. But we all know they’ll meet the black man of their dreams and have all the surgery that money can buy and ride off into the sunset...why are they panicking at 17 and 19!?!?
They are doing it to Luther and I just don’t understand. Idris is EVERYTHING. Black and white and Latina, and every other kind of women know this and we will watch. We don’t need a new Luther, just show the one you liked so much in the first place...
Rita Ora is NOT BLACK. It seemed as though you’re trying to imply that she is. She’s English of Albanian descent.
#GodBlessYou #TomGif
But maybe I will go so at least someone will try another one.
I never watched the original. I’m not into the post apocalyptic themes. In fact, I didn’t even realize a woman was starring until an article pointed it out. I felt so bad for not even noticing in the trailers!