
Oh, I don’t doubt it’s good. It was just really upsetting to me when I read it back when I was still into horror and I don’t have the nerve for it that I used to have. I also answered my own question about that one character by reading the wiki entry. ;-)

Yeah, not surprised.

I feel like Jay Cutler is a National Treasure. I’m so happy he’s back. Please, Never leave. (Or go to my team) I would give anything to react in my job the way he does...instead of having to fake it. “oh! A meeting that should take five minutes that we are now on hour 2 of!? Terrific!”

Cutler’s reaction after the Wildcat play: “I tried to tell them it was a stupid playcall.”

#Topical yet #Tropical. A white bronco full of stars is screaming down the highway to you as we speak.

Juicero died so the Juice could be free.

U up?

The only thing that could make this more Russell Westbrook level petty would be if he signed this on Durant’s birthday.

I know it’s Friday, but I guess some people start drinking early.

Pretty much my same reaction to that. :/

No you don’t get any of that or you wouldn’t be using the term, “retarded” but it’s always nice when people put their ignorance on display.

Lmao, sick children are hilarious.


Okay, sunshine. Thanks for making it clear with that last bit that you’re just trolling. It’s not always easy to tell around here and I appreciate hints like that.

It’s called demographics, chief. I’m pretty confident that if I checked the actual data, I’d find a very strong correlation to religion and Republican affiliation among rural white populations. And the racist part is what we call an opinion. I’m of the opinion that pretty much everybody who voted for Trump is some

Look closer. A tooth goes flying out of Adams mouth like a bullet just before the mouth guard does. That was a fucking kill shot from Travathan, who should have been ejected on the spot.

Look everyone! Internet Lies!


You acknowledge Trevathan may well be suspended for this hit; does it not occur to you that the point of that is to attempt to deter players from doing this kind of shit in the first place? The rest of your comments make it clear that you think this is not only part of the game - it’s the part you like.

Oh sweet - a yellow handkerchief was tossed on the ground; the men in white got move the ball some more; and a man who makes 7 million dollars a year might have to give up around 30 grand - totally makes up for an action that carried a pretty substantial probability of inflicting serious spinal cord injury (and in any