
It doesn’t take a lot of moran-branes to be a white supremacist, though. It’s an irrational, childish idea that provides succor to mediocre, perpetually insecure people who are also mindless bullies threatened by and resentful of anyone smarter than them. He’s just smart enough to be a bigot, and he’s also great at it

Every new story I read about this piece of shit brings me this much closer to losing the battle of self-control I struggle with about wanting to say something that I really shouldn’t say about someone in his position.

Ouch. A TRUE Southern slam if ever there was one!

This is actually a straight sports story, covering how journalists cover sports; I think we have a pretty good read on the mindset of our readers; and the mindset of our readers is not the or even a controlling factor in what we cover or how we cover it. (If we alienate enough people I assume I’ll end up pumping gas

There’s no special reason you should get shit for this; it’s a fair question and one we think and argue about. Trump is (I would say) a white supremacist in the sense that he argues and advocates for policies and political stances that privilege the traditionally-advantaged white caste. In a literal sense, his

It’s almost as if... the outrage isn’t about respect for the flag at all, and that the entire transparent display from these right wing shit heels is just to hide the fact that they don’t care that black men get indiscriminately by police with no consequences.

Also the Pledge of allegiance is “to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands” which seems to make it seem like the flag stands for the republic and not the military. Its fine if the Flag stands for the military for some people but it clearly is stated in something I had to say

You could have just said, “Stick to sprots!”

You have an odd definition of “majority”.

The serious answer is, “some time after 9/11 and during the last 15 years spent mired in two wars, steadily watching friends and family deploy, fight, reunite, die, overcome grievous wounds, struggle with PTSD, and hope beyond hope that all of it wasn’t just pissing in the wind.”

On “Around the Horn” today Kevin Blackistone was talking about the rise of the anthem at sporting events and basically said that it became popular when Woodrow Wilson got teams to play it at sporting events to raise Patriotism and support for the U. S. Entering WWI. Sadly pressure to be patriotic is often tied into

In 2009 the NFL started receiving millions of dollars from the US Military in exchange for constantly staging patriotic displays and promoting the military. That is when they started having the teams come out for the anthem. Plenty of fans still spend the anthem buying beers or using the bathroom. The fact that the

That’s pretty much on the mark. At least we taxpayers are getting a good bang for our propaganda buck.

I’m not sure a couple dozen idiots clicking and posting comments about how they don’t want to read articles they could quite easily avoid reading is “the majority of the readership.”

“I don’t care if police shoot young black men and are not held accountable”

Not sure you’ve got the pulse of Deadspin’s readership.

When you want to say “I don’t care if police shoot young black men and are not held accountable” but are just barely smart enough to know you can’t, then you have to reframe the whole discussion into something you can be against and you might as well make it something you can go on the offensive so you can put other

“My husband was not made aware it was time to go out for the game. Unfortunately a decision was made for him without him knowing,”

(disclaimer because text: I am not mocking your question by posting the top of a Wiki article, it just does a much better job of summarizing than I could)