
Nah, you don’t actually have to invite her, and the proof is right there in her ‘We’ll see about that’ response. You invite people to your wedding who are there to support you, on your day, as you embark upon the wonderful experience of having your relationship legally and religiously authorized and recognized. Her

think you missed the point here, chief.

I see that we’ve now entered the phase where, when facing incontrovertible evidence about Trump’s character, the Trump supporter begins throwing out false equivalencies and Hillary. In the mind of a Trump supporter, this somehow restores Trump’s character and invalidates any aforementioned facts about Trump’s racism.

Doesn’t work that way, Bobby Joe.

Separated at birth?

I was just royally pissed when Darrell was eliminated TWICE this season. Fucking Tony. He’s the WORST!

Thank you for your reply because I could literally talk about this all day.

Guess what? I am sick to death of Black folks having to model perfect behavior in the face of White folks’ stupidity.

One of my greatest joys in life is that moment when you realize a long time friend is also a long time, unabashed Challenge fan.

thanks. That was kinda my impression from everything I’ve seen/read.

I’m a frequent reader of the MTV Challenge sub Reddit (I know, I know) but it was confirmed by several cast members that camila was also spewing the n-word but MTV edited out.

It’s extremely treacly and maudlin. Obviously millions disagree with me, but I wouldn’t recommend it. There’s some very good acting in it, but the scripts and score and direction are so corny.

It was definitely the most egregiously robbed series this year.

The reason we watch is because these people have loooong interpersonal histories that are, each season, impacted by a new group dynamic — it’s fascinating. Plus the actual challenges are physical / mental / emotional - it’s a full package Sports Show.

Having just finished The Good Place, holy shit did Ted Danson deserve at least a nod.

Regular Oreos are better than Double Stuf. I will never give up this unpopular opinion.

it’s not

Have you tried the lemon or birthday cake Oreos yet? Cause they’re TRANSCENDENT.

As a musical lover, a counter point argument:

I’m no expert, but it looked like he said, “An orange peanut, for me? Wow, an orange peanut. Well, I accept you.”