
I believe they’ve said that there aren’t going to be any tags this season because there’s just too much story to get through.

Agreed! To both, but I’m over Greg’s departure now. It was the right thing for the show, plus Scott Michael Foster is the best so I’m into that too. (I should point out that I’m #teamnoone, though, as I’m pretty sure this show isn’t about finding a “one true pairing” for Rebecca.)

I love “Period Sex” but not one of my very favorites. Also since the whole thing was never performed on the show... does it really count?

That song really might have the most lines that are HILARIOUS. The weird-ass menu, “I’m so afraid of horses!”... it’s great too!

Oh, god, SAME. I just can’t list ALL of them!

You hit the nail on the head with your “self-fulfilling prophecy” part. I was always like, “oh? You don’t want that table? I’LL TAKE IT.” Plus I sometimes felt bad for black people in restaurants because I could SEE them getting shittier service than the white couple next to them and, like, duh, of course they’re not

It really does. One of my favorite things about this show is they use the songs with each character as background music, if you know what I’m saying. Like when Rebecca and Josh are having a moment, it’s usually “West Covina,” and with Greg it was “Settle for Me,” and with Nathaniel it’s “Let’s Have Intercourse.”

Also, I think YOU’RE the only person I’ve met who loves “Santa Ana Winds”! It’s okay and it’s got some good lines but most people I know are annoyed by it.

Yeah all of those songs that you listed that I didn’t I love too! “Let’s Have Intercourse” is such a spot-on Ed Sheeran parody... it doesn’t hurt that Scott Michael Foster is freaking adorable, either. Can’t wait for him to have more songs this season.

I could see why people don’t like the version that aired on TV. The explicit version is a fucking work of art, though. How can you NOT love a song that has the line “Praise the hardwood, compliment the china, give them hard wood and a drenched vagina”??!?

I would be happy to discuss our favorite songs... here’s my top ten (in no particular order, because I really can’t do it).

Oh lord there’s already a TON of it in these comments. It’s exhausting.

Watch the show. Seriously. It makes a lot more sense in context of the episode.


SIGH. #notallmen am I right? Jesus.

Yeah did you actually watch the video? That’s not what it’s about, at all.

Have you ever seen this show? It’s the latter. With a touch of the former thrown in for funnies.

You’ve never been a server or bartender, have you? There’s a very common stereotype that black people are bad tippers. In my experience, it doesn’t really hold up as they’re no better or worse than most people; it just depends on the individual, like most things. The REAL Mondays??? Middle-aged white women. There was

DO IT. It’s honestly one of the very best shows on television. Smart, hilarious, and the songs are so damn good.

I swear at LEAST twice a week someone calls Derek Carr “David.” I’m almost positive someone has done it on TV while STANDING NEXT TO David Carr.