
I don't like it by itself, but if you put a bunch of Louisiana in it, it's heaven.

It was only gone from the McD's in our area for like two months. We definitely get some every time we go (which is embarrassingly often - it's close!)

Deadspin cross-posted it to Facebook.

Yes, it’s legal when you’re on a TWO LANE ROAD (i.e. you have to pass in the lane where cars are coming at you head-on). This is a common law in many states as it’s pretty unsafe to stay in the oncoming lane. I see no provision for going over the speed limit on a multi-lane highway in the law you posted.

I think In Her Shoes is a super underrated “rom-com,” if you want to call it that... I think the romantic story is not the main one, but it gets lumped in with more standard rom-coms and it’s not really fair to it.

I’m sad that the OP in this thread doesn’t know Toni Collette! Not to mention: Muriel’s Wedding, In Her Shoes, United States of Tara, About a Boy, Miss You Already (which made me cry so hard I couldn’t see, dammit)... I love her!

I graduated in 2003 but yeah, I think we only made it past WWII once... I don’t understand why teachers continually seemed to be surprised that WWII took as long as it did?? YOU GUYS WRITE THE LESSON PLANS!

I think the reason it was broken out separately like that is because there are different options for the wedding cover, at varying costs.

Again, that isn’t what this was, at all. She capitulated to try to keep them happy, and waived the fee for the wedding cover, and they STILL went to the press, after. She had the emails to prove it, and the jury believed her.

It WAS a minor dispute. Until this couple went on television and lied about her. And then made up fake profiles on review sites to try to destroy her business. They acted with malice and she deserved that judgement, 100%.

Actually, the impetus for backup cameras was people hitting small children that were PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to see behind the bumper.

I drove a manual 2000 Accord coupe for eleven years that I got when I was 16. I would teach any girl who wanted to learn to drive stick on it (disclosure: I am also female), but I stopped trying to teach the guys because every single one of them thought we were in fuckin’ The Fast and the Furious. PLEASE stop

Lol no not you! The idiot whining about “SJWs” and “victim Muslims.”

Yup. To quote LBJ: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.” 

Who let that idiot out of the greys?

Oh the whole movie is just terrible. Do watch it!

Songs About Jane is a pretty solid album though. Everything after that one... bad. But I’ll stand by that first one.

I love The Bends! It was the first Radiohead album I ever listened to, though. Also, for what it’s worth, I think OK Computer is by far the greatest albums of the ‘90s, and one of the greatest all-time in general.

Yeah I was like, “WAIT we’re on the same team!” but then I figured you just had a rage stroke. No worries lol.