Equity mining.
Equity mining.
I can’t speak for all dealerships, but the one that I work at (which is a small, family-owned dealership and not a franchise), we absolutely will take you off the list if you tell us to.
Modern Family has been honest-to-god bad for a few seasons now. How it continues to be nominated (let alone win) over and over baffles me.
Aren’t you annoyed that Michael McKean keeps getting snubbed? I sure am.
I didn’t think this season of Veep was that great, but yeah, she’s got that one locked up again. She’s always great, of course.
Came here to say this. It blows my mind how he keeps getting snubbed for BCS. He’s been consistently excellent (even more so this season than Banks, imo).
That season aired during my junior year of high school, and I missed quite a few episodes that were on from about sophomore year through my freshman year of college. I caught it when it was on, but it wasn’t appointment television for me like when I was younger (and to be fair, older also, because I watch the…
IIRC, they're all described as attractive. Meg is just going through an awkward phase in this one.
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what happens. The whole plot of End of Watch involves him controlling people with his mind, as well as through some dumb game on a shitty tablet via hypnotization.
If you're referring to Brady, he was quite young in the books. And IIRC, not all that bad-looking, either.
Nope. Jobs have not been mandatory since St. Thomas, although there have been approved places that the cast was allowed to work.
My 2000 Accord got broken into TWICE. I assume no one ever tried to steal the car itself because it was a manual.
I’m so over this shit. Cowboys fans conveniently forget that the only freaking reason they were even playing in that game at all is that they were the beneficiaries of a bad call against the Lions in the WC game.
I literally remember NOTHING from that season either. I’m a Challenge junkie though, so it did give us the gift that was batshit Tonya. Kyle Brandt from that season is also one of the hosts of Good Morning Football on the NFL Network.
I mean... that’s probably true, but if someone were to ask a random old millennial or young gen-xer what they remember about Irene from RW Seattle, it would absolutely be this.
I think it’s a bit of both, to be honest. I think that whatever someone is when they come into the RW house, they become a somewhat heightened version of that. Not to mention that past about RW: Boston the cast didn’t have TV, music, books, or the ability to leave the house freely, which obviously would contribute to…
Las Vegas was season 12; you (like everyone else) forgot about season 11: Chicago. And yeah, LV1 is 100% responsible for making Real World what it is today. Less “people from different cultures and ways of living learning from and about each other” and more “drinking, fucking, and fighting.”
I remember the Slap, and Stephen throwing Irene’s teddy bear into the Sound, and Nathan (because 12-year-old me had a huuuuuge crush on Nathan).
They did have a zero-tolerance policy for quite some time after that, but strangely, it wasn’t enforced during the Portland season, when Nia beat the shit out of Johnny Reilly and Averey with a hair dryer (and her fists).
Neil, I think. And Lars was the German (?) dude. But yeah, that season was not good. Some former Real Worlders said that the London cast watched so much television that they literally did not have a plot arc that season, at all, so it ended up being quite boring.