Isn’t she from Tulsa? Are you an Oklahomie too? *waves from OKC*
Isn’t she from Tulsa? Are you an Oklahomie too? *waves from OKC*
Me too! I also get kind of grouchy when I’m driving and I let someone in front of me (like when they’re waiting to turn out of a business or whatever onto the street) and they don’t do the little hand wave of appreciation...
I feel like it’s on purpose now, like Niantic figured out that people were using those guys to power-level so they made them harder to catch. Freakin’ Pidgeys escape on me all the time.
Yep, I’ve never seen a Sandshrew, but I catch Ekans all the time.
I’ve never even SEEN a Drowzee... It’s all Pidgey, Rattata, and Weedle in my neck of the woods. Fair amount of Magikarp too (which I obviously don’t mind).
Some states allow for a “tip credit” wage, which means a company can pay less than minimum wage with the expectation that they make up the difference in tips.
Who pulled this motherfucker out of the greys? I flagged his comments, btw.
I wouldn’t hate that either. I don’t hate KD or anything, I just hope he NEVER EVER EVER wins a ring. Is that so bad?
As a Thunder fan who has gone full-on jilted-ex-girlfriend about Durant leaving, I hope every single one of those motherfuckers breaks their goddamn leg.
Oh, yeah there was. The Staten Island episode is a fucking classic.
HA! I think they’re just all run the same way!
People who don’t say thank you whenever a common courtesy is extended (i.e. holding the door open). People who don’t tip. People who don’t clean up their dog’s crap. People who litter. People who put gum anywhere other than in the trash (or at least a napkin).
I agree, the latter is worse, because not only do you know that they’re assholes, they also make you feel like you should accept their apology. At least you know what you’re getting with the first guy, and don’t feel manipulated, you know?
Oh, god, I worked at one years ago for a month or two and it was by far the worst serving job I’ve ever had. The tips sucked, the customers were obnoxious, the owner was a coked-out psychopath... You name it.
THIS. I’m thinking they haven’t actually looked into his policies at all, other than finding out that he’s pretty socially liberal. But also goddamn looney-tunes.
I did... perhaps unsurprisingly I am Team Don’t Wash ‘Em unless I’ve been working out or been out in like, dirt. so lazy.
WE’RE EVERYWHERE. Lazy people unite! (But after a nap)
I bought one to replace my shitty apartment showerhead... cost me like 25 bucks at Tuesday Morning and was super easy to put on. You can have one too!!!
Yeah, I was definitely getting that r/im14andthisisdeep vibe from that stupid tweet.