
Good traits: sharp sense of humor, intellectual curiosity, healthy skepticism, ability to keep my shit together during crises.
Bad traits: misanthropy, tendency toward substance abuse and passive aggression.

I read The Contortionist's Handbook while in a Palahniuk phase as a teenager, and I was surprised when I re-read it that it holds up.

Joan Didion and Deadwood.

Upvoted for Halvorson's!

SCP! Just reams and reams of content there, and really easy to get swept up in.

Grave of the Fireflies is missing.

Well done!


I had forgotten about ever seeing Timeline. Having looked it up, I definitely didn't appreciate how stacked that cast is.

A day with a Hudson Hawk reference is a good day.

"Times Square Red, Times Square Blue" by Samuel R. Delany is a great look at the end of that era, and at the sense of community the theaters gave some people over the years.

The one where they go back to Ben's hometown, cheeky little references all over the place. Michael Schur is a huge fan, apparently.

I had the same experience; I love them but have not committed to memory all 15+ albums, and there were a lot of deep cuts. It was a good enough show that I didn't mind knowing only a handful of songs, though, and all the super-fans were so happy to be there, it was infectious.

Arya's pretty young. We try not to sexualize her.

Me too, with the Jack tactics immediately coming to mind! I can't wait to see Pryce when this character is backed into a corner.

No, I haven't. I read the book a couple years ago and remembered that the reviews for the movie were middling-to-poor, so I didn't seek it out - not that I really wanted/needed to see it anyway.

I was hoping to see some Jack Ketchum on here. The Girl Next Door has one of the only scenes in a book that left me physically nauseated (tire iron).

I enjoyed the mystery aspect, but was surprised by how low-key and ineffective the ending turned out to be.

I prefer Pynchon to Wallace overall, but well said.

I did a Kidprint video, and yeah, it was a really creepy experience.