
Just because you can sleep with some one of the same sex and enjoy it doesn’t mean you aren’t street. Same thing: Just because you can sleep with someone of the opposite sex and enjoy it doesn’t mean you’re heterosexual. And categories of sexuality are, to some degree, culturally determined. There are all kinds of

There are lots of cultures in which having sex with a man isn’t considered homosexual behavior if that man is a prostitute and if you are the one doing the penetrating. I spent over three years in a South American country where this is routine. And no... most of these men are not closet cases. We’re talking about men

I do think male homosociality, if not homosexuality, does coorelate with monotheistic authoritarianism. And a lot of the time homosexual activity gets practiced by heterosexual men just because their cultures are so homosocial. My family is Jewish, and you look at Orthodox judaism and you will find this... although

But the question is, why does he obsess over this scale? I think that a lot of guys who use a scale to rank women do so because they need that tool, because they DON’T actually feel genuine attraction. The scale is like a “facial expression” guide that lets people on the autism spectrum identify emotions. It’s how

Lol. That’s exactly what the employees are doing. An organized strike is really the clearest way of demanding a raise.

That’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It’s pretty obvious why she gets to be the exception to the rule. She’s literally Huckabee’s daughter.

I am actively trying not to post a fat-phobic comment about this humongous fungus. (Oops.) Because I know that the size of one’s body is not morally significant. No one owes it to themselves or to anyone else to be a certain size, or to be healthy. But the reason that it is so tempting is because of Trump, the

This is absolutely true, to an extent. But employers are morally obligated, if not legally obligated, to make sure their long term employees’ salaries are market appropriate.

Right!? This thread is insane. Obviously the higher paid employees are standing in solidarity with the less highly paid employees (not that any of these people are well compensated). So I’m sure they are respected for that.

I love that everyone is hung up on the LL story line because it has literally bothered me my whole adult life. I was one of the people who, on first watching it, assumed the brother was her husband and she was wrestling with the decision to be unfaithful to someone who was no longer able to be a partner to her.

That’s the thing. If you have a family member in an institution then you know... things are going to happen several times a day, and you aren’t going to be there for them. He probably thinks someone is poisoning him, literally, several times a day. He going to that hospital at that moment made no difference and just

Wow. I feel like you’re projecting a lot onto Hot dude. We don’t know anything about him. Literally. I don’t even know what his voice sounds like. I mean, from his perspective, who knows what the fuck was going on between him and LL.

Ha! “The new old people.” I’m stealing this.

Sims is the only game I currently play. I like to design houses while listening to audiobooks. That said, the hardcore Sims fans are disgustingly entitled. When Sims 4 came out without toddlers I remember seeing various, otherwise normal seeming grownups online, losing their shit because the makers hadn’t delivered on

Roman imperial history used to seem far fetched to me. Then the United States of America elected a game show host as president. And not ... like ... Marc Summers. A reality TV star.

I’m sorry. That’s terrifying and hilarious.

The Story of Dove, Part I:

I think that the “confirming health with a doctor” part of this bill is poorly thought out, and will literally end up killing people. Physicians do not normally receive any training on eating disorders. Most physicians are not qualified to recognize an eating disorder, let alone prescribe a treatment. What is going to

Yes to everything you said about sports medicine.

“It would be nice, I think, to have a group whose job it is to actually set and enforce the correct standards and evaluate each model, but I’m not really sure how feasible that is.”